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PJC AASU sponsors Black History Month Program

Published or Revised March 06, 2015

Black History 15

At the AASU Black History Month program, Paris ISD Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Robert High (top) was the guest speaker, encouraging students to keep their and their family’s history. Below, AASU members perform a song.

“Black History is American History” was the theme presented at the Paris Junior College African American Student Union’s (AASU) annual Black History Month program held February 26, in the Math and Science building located on the Paris campus. The program was presented by 15 AASU members and attended by students, instructors, and staff members. President of AASU and Master of Ceremonies Kadija Pannell welcomed everyone in attendance followed by a solo performed by Ravyn Bossett, an AASU member. “Hold on, just a little while longer, and everything is going to be alright,” Bossett sang. Members of AASU contributed songs, poems, and a skit portraying Rosa Park’s 1955 bus ride in Montgomery, Alabama, which helped lead into readings from AASU members, Matthew Ford and Denisha Crow. Paris ISD Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Robert High was the guest speaker, sharing his story and words of encouragement to insure Black History is not lost within one’s family. High gave three reasons why that history should be recorded. “If it’s not recorded, it will be forgotten, ignored, or claimed by another,” said High. “Your family and your family’s history are worth recording.” “He has a wonderful story to share and we’re grateful that he was willing to come and share his story with us,” said Kenneth Webb, Director of Student Life. High spoke about how blacks boycotted the segregated buses, and began to carpool. He explained to his audience how Montgomery passed an ordinance that stated it was against the law to pick up hitchhikers. When people began walking to work, they would be thrown in jail for loitering. “I can tell you about the Montgomery marches because I was there,” High said. “Until the day comes that African-American history is taught every day, there will continue to be a need for celebrations such as Black History Month,” said High. “During this month there are only brief glimpses of the African-American history and contributions that the African- American has made to the welfare of this country.” “If we do something right, tell someone. If we do something wrong tell us,” High quoted from a sign he remembered hanging at his fathers business. He added that he uses the slogan everyday in his administration position.