Academic Calendar
Published or Revised October 03, 2024
These dates are specific to your classes. To find out more about events, activities, and deadlines at PJC, visit our Calendar of Events. To see archived dates from previous years / semesters, go to Archived Academic Calendar Dates.
Fall 2024 Semester
Aug. 19: Faculty Return / Convocation
Aug. 19-22 Last Change Registration - All Locations
Aug. 26: First class day for Fall 16-Week Semester and 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Sept. 2: Labor Day holiday
Sept. 3: Official Reporting Day for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Sept. 11: Official Reporting Day for Fall Semester
Oct. 3: Last day to drop with a "W" for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Oct. 14-17: Final Exams for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Oct. 21: First day of 2nd 8-Week Flex Term classes
Oct. 21-22: Last Chance Registration for 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
Oct. 28: Official Reporting Day for 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
Nov. 14: Last day to drop with a "W" for Fall semester
Nov. 26: Last day to drop with a "W" for 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
Nov. 27-29: Thanksgiving Day holiday begins Residence Halls & Food Service Closed
Dec. 2: Classes resume
Dec. 9-12: Final Exams
Dec. 13:
- Workforce Certificates and AAS degree Commencement, 1 p.m.
- AA and AS degrees Commencement, 4 p.m.
- Offices close for the Holidays, 5 p.m.
Winter Mini-Term 2024
Dec. 16: First class day
Dec. 17: Official Reporting Day
Dec. 30: Last day to drop with a "W"
Jan. 2, 2025: Final exams
Spring 2025 Semester
Jan. 2: Offices open (Thursday)
Jan. 6: Faculty Return/Staff Development
Jan. 7: Greenville Late Registration
Jan. 8: Sulphur Springs Late Registration
Jan. 9: Paris Late Registration
Jan. 13: First class day, Spring Semester and 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Jan. 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday
Jan. 29: Official Reporting Day for Spring Semester
Feb. 20: Last day to drop with a "W" from 1st 8-Week Flex Term
March 3-6: Final Exams for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
March 10-14: Spring Break
March 17: Spring semester classes resume; 1st class day of 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
March 24: Official Reporting Day for 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
April 10: Last day to drop with a "W" from Spring Semester
April 24: Last day to drop with a "W" from 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
May 5-8: Final exams for Spring Semester & 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
May 9: Academic Commencement, 10 a.m.; Workforce Commencement, 2 p.m.
May Mini-Term 2025
May 12: First class day
May 13: Official Reporting Day
May 26: Memorial Day Holiday
May 27: Last day to drop with a "W"
May 29: Final exams
First Summer 2025 Term
May 26: Memorial Day Holiday
May 29: Registration, all locations
June 2: First class day
June 2-3: Late Registration, all locations
June 5: Official Reporting Day
July 2: Last day to drop with a "W"
July 4: Independence Day holiday (Friday)
July 7-8: Final exams
Second Summer 2025 Term
July 7: Registration, all locations
July 9: First class day
July 9-10: Late Registration, all locations
July 15: Official Reporting Day
Aug. 4: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 13-14: Final exams
Summer 2025 Extended Term
May 26: Memorial Day Holiday
May 29: Registration, all locations
June 2: First class day
June 2-3: Late Registration, all locations
June 19: Official Reporting Day
July 4: Independence Day holiday (Friday)
July 30: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 13-14: Final exams
Summer 2025 Long Term
May 12: First class day
May 12-13: Late registration, all locations
May 26: Memorial Day Holiday
June 2: Official Reporting Day
July 4: Independence Day holiday (Friday)
July 28: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 13-14: Final exams