Title IX: PJC Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment
Published or Revised October 25, 2021
Title IX: PJC Policy Prohibits Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment may include any unwelcome sexual advance and/or unwelcomed request for sexual favor, made by an employee, student, or agent of the College to a student or employee of the College, which substantially interferes with the person’s educational or work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
PJC Title IX Addressing Sexual Harassment/Sexual Violence Brochure (pdf)
Examples Include
Unwelcome or uninvited sexual comments or innuendo in the form of:
- Oral, written, or electronic communications that are sexually explicit in nature
- Sexually explicit questions, jokes, or anecdotes about gender specific traits
- Sexually suggestive sounds, gestures, gifts, or visual materials such as magazines, pictures, posters, photos, cartoons, or drawings
- Direct or indirect threats concerning sexual favors or retaliation because of the refusal to consent to sexual favors
- Sexual leering, uninvited touching, stroking, or gestures
- Communication of unsought sexual propositions, requests for dates or lewd remarks or sounds
- Coerced sexual intercourse
- Sexual assault or abuse
Fears are often expressed by people who experience unwanted sexual or gender-based behavior. Do not let these fears stop you from seeking help. You have the right to work in a harassment-free work and educational environment. Supervisors are obliged to foster this climate. College policy prohibits retaliation against individuals who raise such concerns.
Take Action
- Do not delay. Pay attention to cues or comments and address unwanted conduct immediately.
- Say no. Tell the person that the conduct is unwanted and you want it stopped.
- Tell someone. Tell your advisor, department chair or supervisor what happened.
- Keep a record. Keep track of dates, times, places and events to help you present your situation.
Submitting Complaints
Submit sexual harassment complaints to the Title IX Coordinator or Director of Student Life (see below) or click here to download the PJC Title IX Complaint Form and print the document. Members of the College community who receive a complaint of sexual harassment should convey the complaint to the appropriate office. If you have a question about your reporting responsibility, call Student Life or Human Resources. Please note that we cannot guarantee anonymity or confidentiality. Sexual violence and sexual misconduct are forms of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX also prohibits retaliation against people for making or participating in complaints of sex discrimination. If you have observed or have been the victim of sexual misconduct/sexual violence on campus, you have three options:
- Report the incident to the Campus Police or local police.
- Report the incident to the College’s Title IX Coordinator
- Anonymous reporting: You may provide information anonymously through the online reporting form (link below) by leaving your contact information blank. Please understand that anonymous reports limit our ability to respond, and sharing your identity may be helpful to connect you with resources such as medical and counseling services, and provide information about your options for further action.
On-Line Reporting Form for sexual misconduct/sexual violence on campus.
The Campus Police Department has officers who are specially trained to work with individuals reporting sexual violence. They can help you review your options and help you seek support such as medical attention, counseling services, and legal assistance. The Campus Police Department can also assist in reporting assaults to other law enforcement agencies. Reports of sexual misconduct made to the Campus Police will automatically be reported to the College’s Title IX Coordinator regardless of whether the individual who experienced the sexual misconduct chooses to pursue criminal charges. Click here for the Office of Civil Rights (OCR).
Human Resources: 903.782.0304
Student Life: 903.782.0402
Help is Available
For confidential support:
Advising and Counseling Center, Alford Center: 903.782.0426
Employee Assistance Program: 903.782.0304
To report a crime:
PJC Police Department 903.782.0399
Other resources:
Because sexual harassment is a type of sex discrimination, you may file a complaint of sex discrimination with a federal or state agency:
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Western Region: 213.894.3437
TX Department of Health & Human Services: 512.438.4313
PJC Policy Prohibits Harassment
PJC recognizes the human dignity of each member of the PJC community and believes each member has a responsibility to promote respect and dignity for others. The College strives to foster an academic, work, and living environment that is free from harassment. The College’s goal is to provide an environment where students, faculty, and staff can thrive, and that is welcoming, and free of fear. PJC makes its educational programs and employment opportunities equitably available to students and employees without discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, gender, gender identity or expression, mental or physical disability, or veteran status. Harassment is a form of discrimination and, therefore, harassment directed toward an individual or group, or experienced by an individual or group, violates this policy. The sexual harassment policy applies to all PJC operations and programs, including the center campuses. It applies to all College students and employees, including faculty, administrators, staff, and student employees. It also applies to all vendors, contractors, subcontractors, and others who do business with the College. It applies to all visitors or guests on campus to the extent that there is an allegation of harassment made by them against College students or employees.
PJC Policy Prohibits Retaliation
No member of the College community may retaliate. A person who believes that they have been retaliated against by a College employee should contact the office of Student Life or Human Resources.
PJC Notice of Non-Discrimination
PJC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, or military veteran status in its employment practices or in the provision of educational programs and services. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the College’s non-discrimination policies, to receive discrimination/harassment complaints from members of the College community, and to monitor the institution’s compliance with state and federal non-discrimination laws and regulations:
Melanie Hatcher
Title IX Coordinator/Human Resources Director
Kenneth Webb
Director of Student Life
PJC Policies
PJC policies addressing sexual harassment in regards to Title IX are DIAA (Legal), DIAA (Local), FFDA (Legal), FFDA (Local), and FA (Legal). This video provides information to PJC students about the college's Title IX Policy and prevention of sexual harassment and sexual violence.
Prevention of Harassment (Title IX) video